
Pronoun Day



We weren't expecting an answer today.

But sometimes, you get the unexpected, or rather, it gets you. 

Don't ever believe the old wives' tales, because in spite of all signs pointing to our fetal-American being a girl, they were wrong. 

The doctor very clearly saw the gender-specific defining physical feature of our son. We also saw his brain, spine, ribcage, and saw and heard his heartbeat again, down to 147 beats per minute. (It gets slower as he grows.) We watched him put his hands in front of his face, shake them out to his side and stretch out his legs.

It was  He is amazing. Check him out: 

It's been a long day. I'll try and revisit it in the future to give you more of a feel for it all. 


twad said...

he looks like he's watching something good at 40s...

Kiwi Cowboy said...

Drink for looking!

Anonymous said...

confounding the old wives already is he...congratulations you guys.

Unknown said...

he is hot.