
Kid A Registry Info

Invites to the first shower are out and those for the second shower will be out soon. Yes, guys are invited (there's going to be beer to ease the pain). No, there won't be any baby shower games (also to ease the pain). 

Here's where we're registered:

babies r us--search under Pam or Stephen Light and/or registry #73806740. 

Target--search under Pam or Stephen Light and/or registry #014399700134721.

Austin Baby--that link goes to the gift registry info page and this link goes directly to our page.

Special Addition--no registry here, but a good place for Pam to get some maternity items and other baby things too. They do gift certificates.

This stuff can get expensive so if you want to tag-team with somebody, go for it; we won't be offended.

The purple dragon theme has been slain. Instead, he's going to have a big retro-style robot mural in his room. So anything with robots on it would be cool in place of the same non-robot items that are on the registry.

Based on some reading we've done regarding child development that says the best toys are 90% kid, 10% toy, we're looking for things that don't have a ton of flashing lights and buzzing, beeping noises, like a lot of the newer activity-type toys have. Think old school (like plastic keys and big blocks). See this link for more info.

We're also wary of the recent rash of lead-posioned toys from China, so feel free to avoid them. One alternative would be polished wood toys.

And if you're already a parent and see something totally useless on one of the registries, or we're missing something that made your life so much easier that you highly recommend, please let us know. We've asked questions about lots of things and read reviews of almost everything, but still, we're flying blind here.

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