

Had our first shower this past Saturday. Thanks to the McGroaches, Doolicks, and Friesenhausens for hosting and to everyone who joined us. Thanks also for all the great gifts. A large dent was definitely made in the registry! We've got one more shower this weekend and are glad to have one under our belt. Just might be getting the hang of this...

And hey, if you took pictures on Saturday, we'd love to get some copies for our personal collection and may post a few here, too. Or we could grab them off flickr.com if you use that. Thanks!


ennea999 said...

omg - take the bottles off your registry list or you'll get 20 thousand more! :)

stephen said...

it's probably too late b/c the fam has been itching to buy stuff for some time.

but don't worry there'll be some returning and exchanging going on....